Finding camping equipment content rich pages with great information on camping equipment and many other outdoor activities for the family and sportsman alike.
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Monday, December 27, 2021
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Friday, December 24, 2021
Best Hikes in Washington Washington State Hiking Trails
Exploring The Diversity Of Washington State
Washington State exhibits some of the most diverse geographic and climate features of any state in the United States of America. From east-to-west and north-to-south, the state shows a wide variety of terrain, geology, temperatures, and populations. Eastern Washington and Western Washington, divided by the Cascade Mountains, display some especially contrasting landscapes.
Western Washington
By far the more populated region of Washington, the western part of the state is also the area that feels the brunt of the near legendary rainy weather. The I-5 Corridor stretches north-to-south and goes through communities like Bellingham, Everett, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, and Vancouver on its way from Canada to Mexico. In the north near the Canadian border and the city of Bellingham, the land is forested in most places right up to Puget Sound. Winters are harshest here compared to the rest of Western Washington but are very bearable. Bellingham is also home to one of the six state universities, Western Washington University.
The Seattle-Tacoma area is home to the largest concentration of people in the state of Washington. Seattle is also the business and finance capital of the state and home to professional sports franchises as well as the University of Washington. Seattle has a vibrant downtown area highlighted by the waterfront and world famous Pike Place Market. Ferry service is essential to Seattle and the rest of Western Washington as so many population centers are located on and around Puget Sound. Seattle sits right on Interstate 5 which runs north-to-south, and is also at western most end of the I-90 which is the longest Interstate freeway in the United States (the other end of I-90 is in Boston, Massachusetts). SeaTac Airport, serving the entire state and a major jump off point for flights to Alaska, Hawaii, and Asia is located between Seattle and Tacoma.
To the south, Olympia is the state capital and home to The Evergreen State College. Olympia's weather is similar to Seattle's and it too sits on Puget Sound. Olympia is a kind of hub for travelers as from there you can go west to the Pacific Ocean, northwest to the Olympic Peninsula, east to Mount Rainier, north to Seattle and further on to Canada, and south to the lower Cascade Mountains and Oregon.
The most northwestern portion of Washington State is known as the Olympic Peninsula. The Olympic Peninsula is home to Olympic National Park, Hurricane Ridge, Dungeness Spit, Neah Bay, the Hoh Rain Forest, and much more. Popular with tourists, it is possible in one day on the Olympic Peninsula to go from the beaches of Puget Sound, to the old growth forest and mountain peaks of the Olympic National Park, to the one and only rain forest in the continental United States, and finally to the Pacific Ocean.
South of the Olympic Peninsula sit the coastal areas of Ocean Shores, Grays Harbor, and Long Beach. This area of the state, though beautiful, is primarily focused on ocean based tourism, lumber, and marine industries. Further south is the city of Vancouver which sits right across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon.
Eastern Washington
The second most populous city in Washington State, behind Seattle, is Spokane which is located in Eastern Washington near the border with Idaho. North of Spokane is the sparsely populated Colville area and further on is the Canadian border. This northeast corner of the state has what can be described as dry arid forests. Spokane is home to many of the common things you find in mid-sized cities like minor league sports, assorted colleges, large parks with many events, and major media outlets. Interstate 90 runs right through Spokane and is the major east-west route across the state. Just outside of Spokane is the community of Cheney which is home to Eastern Washington University.
South of the Spokane area is the southeastern section of Washington State, here lies the other major state university, Washington State University in Pullman. Walla Walla and the Tri-Cities (consisting of Richland, Pasco, and Kennewick) area are the major population centers of Southeast Washington. The land here was originally natural grassland and prairies but has been for the most part changed over to farming and agriculture thanks to the irrigation projects on the Snake and Columbia Rivers.
The Central Washington area is usually the term describing the region surrounding Ellensburg and Yakima. Ellensburg is home to Central Washington University and the Ellensburg Rodeo. Ellensburg also sits right on I-90 and is one of the last towns you stop at before heading over the Cascade Mountains to Western Washington. Yakima is the main population center in Central Washington and also a travel hub. From Yakima you can go southeast towards the Tri-Cities, south to Oregon, east towards Moses Lake and Spokane, north to Ellensburg, and west crossing the Cascade Mountains via White Pass to Western Washington. There are areas of Central Washington that are arid enough to actually qualify as desert land. Thanks to irrigation, the Central Washington area is a highly successful agricultural area. Wheat fields, grape vineyards, apple and pear orchards, and more cover the landscape of Central Washington.
Wenatchee is the most populated city in the North Central Washington region. The southern and central part of the North Central Washington area is scarred arid land carved by a giant ice age era flood that covered most of Eastern Washington. This flood created huge gouges that resemble canyons and valleys and are called coulees. The Columbia River dominates the North Central Washington area and the energy and irrigation made possible by it's hydroelectric dams have been a boon to the region. The gem of these is the Grand Coulee Dam located about two hours northeast of Wenatchee. The Grand Coulee Dam backs up water all the way to the Canadian border. Also in the vicinity of Grand Coulee Dam is Banks Lake, a manmade lake made by damming and filling up a coulee with water pumped from the Columbia River below. Downstream from Grand Coulee Dam is Chief Joseph Dam which is the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the nation. Lake Chelan is the largest natural lake in Washington State and sits near the geographic center of the state. At the northwestern end of the lake sits the town of Stehekin which you can only reach by boat, hiking trail, or water plane - no roads lead there. To the north sits what is referred to as the Okanogan country, right on the border with Canada. Rocky rugged forests meet arid steppe lands to make some of the most beautiful country in the United States.
The Cascade Mountains
The Cascade Mountains run generally from north-to-south dividing the State of Washington in half. There are five mountains in the Cascades that are classified as active volcanoes; Mt. Baker, Glacier Peak, Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Adams. The Cascade Mountains receive an excessive amount of snow during the winter and are a favorite place to head for anyone with interests in hiking, skiing, mountain climbing, rock climbing, camping, fishing, hunting, mountain biking, and more.
There you have it, when it comes to diversity in climates and terrain; no other state can match Washington State. Home to modern cities, an actual rain forest, desert-like conditions, a major mountain range, Puget Sound, the Pacific Ocean, the Columbia River, and tons of other lakes and rivers, Washington State has it all. Whether you live there already or are planning a visit - explore Washington State today.
Mark owns and maintains featuring photos and information about North Central Washington.
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Are cheap tents even worth buying?
Camping Shop for Family Camping Tents
There are many reasons to take the family on a camping trip. Quality time, memories that become part of family lore, tenting can be done at a beach, desert, mountains and woods or even the backyard. The cost of camping sites compared to the cost of hotel rooms is a real bargain deal. Another reason to begin camping is health and relaxation. Un-loading the car, setting up the campsite, finding your own firewood and taking down your campsite will give you more exercise than you would ever imagine. As for relaxation, when the chores are done and you are relaxing around the campfire with your family the quietness around you bring peace and tranquility to you.
When purchasing a tent for family camping I have included some information that should be taken into consideration:
When choosing a tent there are several things to consider. If there are small children in the family, you may want to get a larger tent. There are several drawbacks to buying a larger tent such as the weight. Lugging the tent from the car to the campsite may be a little too much exercise. The bulk size may also make packing the car more difficult. Finding an area level and large enough for the tent is also a factor as tents should be on level ground if at all possible. Another reason is privacy, when the children are younger it is not a problem, but as they get older they may have their own privacy issues.
Basically tents will come in four different shapes. The A-frame, umbrella, geodesic or "dome", and wall tents. The A-frame is a pup type tent, but can come in larger sizes. The umbrella tent is usually used as a family camping tent as it has lots of standing room with large windows and a rain fly over the top. The geodesic has many shapes, but they all look like combinations of connected triangles, while the wall tent is similar to an A-frame tent, but is generally larger and has vertical side walls. It is preferable to get a tent with square shaped floor plan as they are more efficient in laying out your sleeping and other gear.
Tent poles will come in either aluminum or fiberglass and most are linked together with an elastic shock cord to make it easier when setting up. Many tent manufacturers provide emergency repair links for you to carry along on the trip as poles are susceptible to bending or breaking.
Most tents are now made of coated nylon waterproofing, with nylon mesh used for inner walls. Most of the better tents have no-see-um mesh used for the window screens and use thicker fabric or rip-stop fabric.
Testing the zippers when purchasing is a top priority as they should open and close freely and not catch and bind up on the tent fabric. The zippers should be made of a non-rusting material.
Another item to be addressed are the seams as they should be reinforced with nylon tape. The tape should be stitched into each seam to make the seam stronger and more weatherproof. The seams in a nylon tent such as in the fly and floor should be waterproofed with a seam sealer. New tents should come with a bottle of seam sealer if do not one should be purchased. It is generally a good idea to set up your tent in the yard before beginning your trip and apply the sealer. You should always allow the sealer to dry before you pack the tent. The re-sealing of the seams should be done on a yearly basis before embarking on your camping trip.
If you have found the above informative and given you a desire to begin camping please contact me at and let me know if I can be of further assistance to you. Please feel free to contact me about any questions you may have in regards to camping and camping tents. On my next article I will discuss pre-planning a camping trip with the items that should be taken on a camping trip.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Camping Stove Cooking Tips On Choosing A Stove
How to pick a coleman / camp stove for car camping
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Propane Camp Stove
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Propane Camp Stove
If you are planning to buy a stove that you will use in your trip, it is advisable that you purchase a camp stove that uses propane gas for fuel. It is easy to use and most of the stoves that fuels on one are quite handy since the propane fuel that you will use are stored in a cylindrical canister that is spill proof that you can use until empty. The stove is easy to assemble and practical to carry around especially if you and your companions do not plan to stay in one place during the whole trip.
The stove that is fueled with propane is easier to use, the flame can be adjusted according to your needs and it uses energy in the most efficient way. The propane stove is cheaper and easy to maintain as compared to some other stoves available in the market. The disadvantage of using this type of stove is the fact that it can only be used for cooking and it has to be done outdoors to avoid the possibility of experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning. It is also not advisable to use propane if you plan on going on a trip in an area of high altitude or in extreme weather conditions.
The other problem that you will encounter is the fact that the handy stove that you will purchase does not contain protective covering that will protect the fire as you cook. You may not be able to cook your food as long as the wind will keep on blowing off the fire. The propane camp stove does not function well in extreme weather conditions and its efficiency will lessen the moment that your fuel empties out. That is the reason why you have to bring a number of canisters with you on your camping trip to avoid the possibility of running out of fuel especially if the nearest civilization is far from your location.
There are different types of stoves available in the market today. You can choose to purchase a one burner, double burner, triple burner or a four burner stove. You have to purchase the stove based on where you will use it and how many persons that will utilize it during the camping trip. There are stoves available that are made of sturdy material that makes it difficult for you to carry and bring with and there are also propane one-burner stoves that you can easily lug especially the ones that are made of skeletal frames with no protective covering.
Jeff Buck Johnson is the author and can provide additional information about the use & safety of a propane camp stove. Jeff is an outdoorsman, spending countless nights in the northern woods of Minnesota. Get prepared now, check out our full line of camp stove [] products. Please go to Facebook and "Like" us There.
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Thursday, October 14, 2021
What is the best lantern to buy for 7 day hiking?
Top 10 Camping Lanterns I Best Smart Light For Your Next Adventure
What Is The Best Kind Of Camping Lantern? Discover The Pros And Cons Of Gas And Battery Power
What Is The Best Kind Of Camping Lantern? Discover The Pros And Cons Of Gas And Battery Power
It is essential that we have a good reliable torch and lantern when we embark on our camping trip. How else would we find our way back to the tent in the dead of night after that toilet visit - and also trying to see what you are doing in your tent in the middle of the night?
Most campers' choice comes down to either a torch or lantern or indeed both. In recent years you can have little spotlights that hang from the inside of your tent. These are useful but not very powerful, no good to read or cook by for example. For seasoned campers the most popular are gas lanterns which are powered by small disposable LPG cartridges. This can be turnoff for some people as they see gas and a lantern to be potentially dangerous, but that is not the case. If used sensibly gas lanterns have an exemplary safety record.
Liquid fuel is also a choice for camping lanterns, most notably Coleman lanterns. They use a special fuel which is essentially a cleaner form of unleaded petrol. It can be expensive when purchased in a camping outlet but many campers who have this lantern fill it up at the local petrol station. This is certainly a cheap way to light your lantern so to speak. But not to everyone's taste, for me I find the smell of petrol unbearable and I don't much fancy taking all my lanterns to the local BP garage.
One of the best choices and also a happy medium for many is the electric lantern. Modern electric lanterns have a very powerful fluorescent bulb which okay may not be as powerful as a gas lantern. But they are considerably cheaper and battery life is very good. If you are running several electric lanterns it would be worth your while in investing in rechargeable batteries as this will keep cost down.
Once last alternative to note, in the last few years rechargeable lanterns and torches have become very popular. These are initially charged by mains, and then when it is running out of life you have a lever which you can turn to re-charge the battery. My experience with these lanterns is that on paper they sound great; never need to buy any gas or batteries etc. But the reality is they take an age to charge, you end up with a sore wrist and the initial price is expensive. In my view not worth the purchase, I think in time they will get better but they are still quite crude.
You can check out Max's latest website which gives you the latest product reviews on the best Coleman camping equipment which has been tried and tested by me such as the great Coleman portable grill [] and the latest Coleman two burner stove [] for your camping vacations and barbecues.
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Monday, October 04, 2021
Hiking Camping Equipment Hiking Camping Gear
Backpacking + Camping PACKING GUIDE | Tips & Essentials!
The 50 Best Hikes in the US
The Best Hike in Every State Alpine scrambles and beach-front strolls; multi-day singletrack adventures and quick urban escapes; soaring trees and rolling sand dunes—every state in the country has something to offer intrepid hikers
So we rounded up a bucket-list-worthy, best-of-the-best guide.
Text Hiking is the great equalizer Everyone enjoys a long (or short) walk in a pretty place But that doesn’t mean all hikes are created equal Some are objectively better, with taller peaks, greener trees, and more flowery flowers So we polled our writers and editors to come up with what we feel is the very best hike in each of the states of our glorious union Alabama
(Fredlyfish4/Wikimedia Commons) Sipsey Wilderness The northwest corner of the Cotton State includes the largest wilderness east of the Mississippi, and it’s chock-full of waterfalls The 25,000-acre Sipsey Wilderness is wrinkled with deep sandstone chasms that turn the region’s abundant streams into cascades One of the tallest is the 90-foot Fall Creek Falls, where the stream spills over a 20-foot ledge before fanning out over a jumble of boulders Reach them from the Sipsey Recreation Area, following trails 200 and 209 for three miles through old-growth hemlocks and white oak —Kelly Bastone, contributor Alaska
( lwtt93 / Creative Commons ) Harding Icefield Trail It’s a little touristy by Alaska standards, and there are definitely more-secluded hikes in the state, but the 82-mile Harding Icefield Trail, in Kenai Fjords National Park, is still the best bang for your buck Starting at Exit Glacier, you’ll climb 1,000 feet through forest and meadows, eventually ending above tree line at the edge of a 700-square-mile ice field —Kelsey Lindsey, assistant editor Arizona (skeeze/Pixabay) Rim-to-Rim If you can handle 21 miles with 5,700 feet of vertical gain and 4,700 feet of loss, hiking rim-to-rim via the Grand Canyon’s South and North Kaibab trails is the best way to see the big ditch on foot If you have the legs to turn around and do it again, you can partake in one of ultrarunning’s most sought-after FKTs: Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim The current records are held by Jim Walmsley (5:55:20) and Taylor Nowlin (7:28:58) —KB Arkansas (Mitchell Wessels/iStock) Whitaker Point Ask any native Arkansan where to find the best view in the state, and they’ll all point you to the same place, though they may call it by different names Whitaker Point , better known to some as Hawksbill Crag, is a rocky prominence in the Upper Buffalo Wilderness Area that juts out nearly 150 feet over the surrounding landscape below Go on an early autumn morning, when the low sun floods the valley and lights up the changing maple, beech, hickory, and ash trees for a sight you’ll never forget —Nicholas Hunt, associate editor California Get Tips → The Pacific Crest Trail Association calls the John Muir Trail the “land of 13,000-foot and 14,000-foot peaks, of lakes in the thousands, and of canyons and granite cliffs” It runs for 211 miles through the Range of Light from Yosemite to the summit of Mount Whitney, the tallest peak in the contiguous United States Most people hike the trail from north to south over the course of a week or more between July and September —KB Colorado
(Nan Palmero/Wikimedia Commons) La Plata Peak At 14,336 feet, La Plata is the fifth highest peak in the Rockies It’s great for people who want a long day hike with top-notch alpine views The hike from car to summit and back is around ten miles with 4,500 feet of gain You get some good forest time for the first few miles, then you’ll switchback up to a ridge and ascend the last couple miles on a talus scramble —Ariella Gintzler, assistant editor Connecticut
(Juliancolton/Wikimedia Commons) Bear Mountain to Lion’s Head Sorry, New Haven, but white clam pizza isn’t Connecticut’s greatest attraction It’s the views from the state’s loftiest corner, where the Appalachian Trail connects the 2,316-foot Bear Mountain (Connecticut’s highest) to Lion’s Head, a stony knob affording 180-degree views of the surrounding lakes and farmland From State Route 41 near Salisbury, hike northbound for 27 miles to tag Lion’s Head, then continue 33 miles to Bear’s summit and its views of steely Mount Greylock (Massachusetts’ highest) hulking on the horizon —KB Delaware
(Grenavitar/Wikimedia Commons) Brandywine Creek State Park Brandywine Creek State Park offers the state’s wildest paths, with bona fide hills, ponds, and a tangle of unnamed, unmarked trails for meanderers From the park office, strike out on Hidden Pond Trail though 190-year-old tulip poplars Cross Thompson Bridge and follow Rocky Run Trail through evergreen-choked hills before descending to Creekside Trail, which parallels Brandywine Creek, where beavers and turtles are often spotted Retrace your steps to complete the 11-mile circuit —KB Florida
( Rachel Kramer / Creative Commons ) Little St George Island You’ll need a boat to access Little St George Island , ten miles south of the Panhandle town of Apalachicola But once there, you may want to stay forever Two primitive campsites sit tucked among the pine-studded dunes on the island’s west end, a web of hiking trails spans its 33-mile length, talcum beaches extend along the gulf shore, and fishing off the east end at a dredged channel known as Bob Sikes Cut produces a bonanza of redfish, flounder, sea trout, and drum —KB Georgia
(Thomson200/Wikimedia Commons) Blood Mountain Treeless vistas are rare in Georgia, where dense forest dominates, so Blood Mountain ’s grandstand views offer hikers a highly sought-after view of rolling peaks The Appalachian Trail runs right over the summit To tag it as part of a nine-mile out-and-back, start from Vogel State Park and follow the Bear Hair Gap, Coosa Backcountry, Duncan Ridge, and Appalachian trails to the 4,458-foot Blood Mountain —KB Hawaii
( Robert Linsdell / Creative Commons ) Kalalau Trail The hike from the Kalalau trailhead at Kauai’s Ke’e Beach to the waterfall pool at the end of Hanakapiai Valley is safer and far more achievable than doing the whole Kalalau Trail, but you still get the beyond-spectacular views of the Na Pali coast and a dip beneath a 300-foot waterfall If you get an early start, you can get back to Ke’e in time to snorkel the glorious protected reef, chill on the beach, and watch the sunset
(Fredlyfish4/Wikimedia Commons) Sipsey Wilderness The northwest corner of the Cotton State includes the largest wilderness east of the Mississippi, and it’s chock-full of waterfalls The 25,000-acre Sipsey Wilderness is wrinkled with deep sandstone chasms that turn the region’s abundant streams into cascades One of the tallest is the 90-foot Fall Creek Falls, where the stream spills over a 20-foot ledge before fanning out over a jumble of boulders Reach them from the Sipsey Recreation Area, following trails 200 and 209 for three miles through old-growth hemlocks and white oak —Kelly Bastone, contributor Alaska
( lwtt93 / Creative Commons ) Harding Icefield Trail It’s a little touristy by Alaska standards, and there are definitely more-secluded hikes in the state, but the 82-mile Harding Icefield Trail, in Kenai Fjords National Park, is still the best bang for your buck Starting at Exit Glacier, you’ll climb 1,000 feet through forest and meadows, eventually ending above tree line at the edge of a 700-square-mile ice field —Kelsey Lindsey, assistant editor Arizona (skeeze/Pixabay) Rim-to-Rim If you can handle 21 miles with 5,700 feet of vertical gain and 4,700 feet of loss, hiking rim-to-rim via the Grand Canyon’s South and North Kaibab trails is the best way to see the big ditch on foot If you have the legs to turn around and do it again, you can partake in one of ultrarunning’s most sought-after FKTs: Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim The current records are held by Jim Walmsley (5:55:20) and Taylor Nowlin (7:28:58) —KB Arkansas (Mitchell Wessels/iStock) Whitaker Point Ask any native Arkansan where to find the best view in the state, and they’ll all point you to the same place, though they may call it by different names Whitaker Point , better known to some as Hawksbill Crag, is a rocky prominence in the Upper Buffalo Wilderness Area that juts out nearly 150 feet over the surrounding landscape below Go on an early autumn morning, when the low sun floods the valley and lights up the changing maple, beech, hickory, and ash trees for a sight you’ll never forget —Nicholas Hunt, associate editor California Get Tips → The Pacific Crest Trail Association calls the John Muir Trail the “land of 13,000-foot and 14,000-foot peaks, of lakes in the thousands, and of canyons and granite cliffs” It runs for 211 miles through the Range of Light from Yosemite to the summit of Mount Whitney, the tallest peak in the contiguous United States Most people hike the trail from north to south over the course of a week or more between July and September —KB Colorado
(Nan Palmero/Wikimedia Commons) La Plata Peak At 14,336 feet, La Plata is the fifth highest peak in the Rockies It’s great for people who want a long day hike with top-notch alpine views The hike from car to summit and back is around ten miles with 4,500 feet of gain You get some good forest time for the first few miles, then you’ll switchback up to a ridge and ascend the last couple miles on a talus scramble —Ariella Gintzler, assistant editor Connecticut
(Juliancolton/Wikimedia Commons) Bear Mountain to Lion’s Head Sorry, New Haven, but white clam pizza isn’t Connecticut’s greatest attraction It’s the views from the state’s loftiest corner, where the Appalachian Trail connects the 2,316-foot Bear Mountain (Connecticut’s highest) to Lion’s Head, a stony knob affording 180-degree views of the surrounding lakes and farmland From State Route 41 near Salisbury, hike northbound for 27 miles to tag Lion’s Head, then continue 33 miles to Bear’s summit and its views of steely Mount Greylock (Massachusetts’ highest) hulking on the horizon —KB Delaware
(Grenavitar/Wikimedia Commons) Brandywine Creek State Park Brandywine Creek State Park offers the state’s wildest paths, with bona fide hills, ponds, and a tangle of unnamed, unmarked trails for meanderers From the park office, strike out on Hidden Pond Trail though 190-year-old tulip poplars Cross Thompson Bridge and follow Rocky Run Trail through evergreen-choked hills before descending to Creekside Trail, which parallels Brandywine Creek, where beavers and turtles are often spotted Retrace your steps to complete the 11-mile circuit —KB Florida
( Rachel Kramer / Creative Commons ) Little St George Island You’ll need a boat to access Little St George Island , ten miles south of the Panhandle town of Apalachicola But once there, you may want to stay forever Two primitive campsites sit tucked among the pine-studded dunes on the island’s west end, a web of hiking trails spans its 33-mile length, talcum beaches extend along the gulf shore, and fishing off the east end at a dredged channel known as Bob Sikes Cut produces a bonanza of redfish, flounder, sea trout, and drum —KB Georgia
(Thomson200/Wikimedia Commons) Blood Mountain Treeless vistas are rare in Georgia, where dense forest dominates, so Blood Mountain ’s grandstand views offer hikers a highly sought-after view of rolling peaks The Appalachian Trail runs right over the summit To tag it as part of a nine-mile out-and-back, start from Vogel State Park and follow the Bear Hair Gap, Coosa Backcountry, Duncan Ridge, and Appalachian trails to the 4,458-foot Blood Mountain —KB Hawaii
( Robert Linsdell / Creative Commons ) Kalalau Trail The hike from the Kalalau trailhead at Kauai’s Ke’e Beach to the waterfall pool at the end of Hanakapiai Valley is safer and far more achievable than doing the whole Kalalau Trail, but you still get the beyond-spectacular views of the Na Pali coast and a dip beneath a 300-foot waterfall If you get an early start, you can get back to Ke’e in time to snorkel the glorious protected reef, chill on the beach, and watch the sunset
—Aleta Burchyski, assosciate managing editor Idaho (GoodFreePhotos) Hells Canyon Hells Canyon, on the border of Oregon and Idaho, is deeper than Grand Canyon—nearly 7,000 feet from river to rim in some spots—and receives just a fraction of the visitors.
Hike any of the trails in spring (the Snake River National Recreation Trail is one of our favorites) for moderate temperatures and blooming wildflowers, like paintbrush and mountain balm —KB Illinois (Shao Hao) Jackson Falls Trail Shawnee National Forest covers a 415-mile chunk of southern Illinois The area gem? The 37-mile Jackson Falls Trail , which features numerous scenic overlooks and terminates at a spectacular waterfall Bring your climbing gear—the 70-foot sandstone walls offer the most climbing routes in the state —Samantha Yadron, editorial production fellow Indiana (Courtesy Indiana Department of Natural Resources) Knobstone
Trail Thru-hikers climb 10,500 cumulative feet along the 58-mile Knobstone Trail , which offers bona fide backpacking in the otherwise snoozy Hoosier State The KT’s southern portion requires the greatest sweat equity but provides the biggest scenic payoff: Hike 31 miles from Deam Lake to Elk Creek Lake for ridgetop views over rolling hills and the nighttime lullabies of coyotes —KB Iowa (Courtesy National Park Service) Effigy Mounds National Monument On Iowa’s eastern edge, Effigy Mounds National Monument preserves more than 200 earthworks, some shaped like bears, lynx, bison, and birds Explore them and gaze across the wooded bluffs of the mighty Mississippi River along the monument’s north unit trails
Trail Thru-hikers climb 10,500 cumulative feet along the 58-mile Knobstone Trail , which offers bona fide backpacking in the otherwise snoozy Hoosier State The KT’s southern portion requires the greatest sweat equity but provides the biggest scenic payoff: Hike 31 miles from Deam Lake to Elk Creek Lake for ridgetop views over rolling hills and the nighttime lullabies of coyotes —KB Iowa (Courtesy National Park Service) Effigy Mounds National Monument On Iowa’s eastern edge, Effigy Mounds National Monument preserves more than 200 earthworks, some shaped like bears, lynx, bison, and birds Explore them and gaze across the wooded bluffs of the mighty Mississippi River along the monument’s north unit trails
(Not to mention the thousands of native remains housed on the monument, more than 2,000 of which disappeared in the 1990s until this detective tracked them down.
) The seven-mile round-trip hike from the visitor center to Hanging Rock visits Great Bear Mound (the largest effigy, at 138 feet long), skirts tallgrass prairie, and overlooks the river from 400-foot cliffs, where hawks and eagles cruise the thermals —KB Kansas (Steve Siegele) Elk River Hiking Trail The Elk River Hiking Trail will make you swear you’re not in Kansas anymore This 15-mile point-to-point trail weaves through evocative rock sculptures and pinched corridors with 30-foot-high walls Trek eastward for sweeping vistas over Elk City Lake as your grand finale
The trail hugs the bluffs of this 4,000-acre reservoir, which looks big enough to be one of the Great Lakes In spring, the shoreline turns pale purple with blooming redbud trees —KB Kentucky ( JordanEightySeven / Creative Commons ) Pinnacles of Berea Avoid the crowds of Red River Gorge and head to Berea, Kentucky, and the various pinnacle trails that overlook the area
The trail hugs the bluffs of this 4,000-acre reservoir, which looks big enough to be one of the Great Lakes In spring, the shoreline turns pale purple with blooming redbud trees —KB Kentucky ( JordanEightySeven / Creative Commons ) Pinnacles of Berea Avoid the crowds of Red River Gorge and head to Berea, Kentucky, and the various pinnacle trails that overlook the area
These dog-friendly hikes offer sweeping overlooks and different vantages of the surrounding area—try West Pinnacle for its sunset views—as well as various levels of difficulty and distance, depending on your capabilities.
Thanks to its proximity to Lexington and Daniel Boone National Forest, you’ll be hard-pressed to run out of things to do around here —Abbey Gingras, editorial assistant Louisiana
( Justin Meissen / Creative Commons ) The Backbone Trail It’s hard to get high in Louisiana, where the mean elevation is just 100 feet and New Orleans actually sits below sea level But the Backbone Trail though the Kisatchie Hills Wilderness offers escape from the swamp This 77-mile path scales sandstone hills topped with Dr Suessian longleaf pines Savor on-high views from 300-foot outcrops and, in spring, blooming azaleas Keep an eye out for armadillos —KB Maine
( John Hayes / Creative Commons ) 100 Mile Wilderness Even out west, you’d be hard-pressed to find 100 miles of trail that’s uninterrupted by towns and other human-built intrusions, but the Pine Tree State preserves exactly that: The famed 100-Mile Wilderness section of Maine’s Appalachian Trail plumbs fir forests so dark and dense, they unnerved even Henry David Thoreau
(who documented his chilling explorations in The Maine Woods ) Starting at the tiny outpost of Monson (home to Shaw’s Hiker Hostel ), pilgrims trip across rooty paths, ford swampy ponds where moose chill out, peer into the grey slate maw of Gulf Hagas (the “Grand Canyon of Maine”), and end up at Abol Bridge, the Baxter State Park campground and resupply opportunity before the final push up 5,269-foot Mount Katahdin —KB Maryland (Patorjk/Wikimedia Commons) Annapolis Rocks to Black Rock Cliff Hop on the Appalachian Trail at South Mountain State Park and hike about 25 miles to Annapolis Rocks for sweeping views of northwest Maryland Continue on to an even more scenic lookout spot called Black Rock Cliff About 75 miles round-trip —Svati Kirsten Narula, associate social media editor Massachusetts
(Tom Walsh/Wikimedia Commons) Bash Bish Falls At the western edge of Massachusetts lies Bash Bish Falls State Park , home to a probably haunted 80-foot waterfall, the highest in the state Easy hiking and good summer swimming abound, but take care: 25 people have died after slipping from the top of the falls —Madeleine LaPlante-Dube, digital media producer Michigan (NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory/Wikimedia Commons) Pyramid Point Part of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, this easy family-friendly hike goes to the top of a sand bluff and offers great views of Lake Michigan Continue to the right after the scenic lookout to follow smaller trails that wind through beech and maple trees and lead to more secluded sand dunes —KL Minnesota
( Greg Gjerdingen / Creative Commons ) Border Route Trail The 65-mile Border Route Trail follows (surprise) the border between the United States and Canada and allows you to experience the tranquility of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness on foot It’s a place of breathtaking cliffs, almost impassably dense trees, and serene, untouched lakes where you can feel the elves and faeries watching you through the mossy gaps in the trees —
Emily Reed, assistant editor Mississippi (Courtesy Black Creek Canoe Rental) Black Creek Trail Soft white beaches and sandbars make Black Creek, a designated National Wild and Scenic River, feel more like the Caribbean than Mississippi The Black Creek Trail links those paradisial swimming holes with 41 miles of waterside hiking Ten miles of the trail traverse the Black Creek Wilderness and feature pine-topped bluffs and dogwood trees that glow with white petals in spring —KB Missouri
(Semipaw/Wikimedia Commons) Hercules Glades Wilderness Area Nearly 40 miles of trails cut across rocky, steep terrain that offers a mix of grass-covered hillsides and hardwood forests teeming with wildlife Park at the Tower Trailhead—the fire tower on the east side of the wilderness area From there, warm up on the relatively flat Pees Hollow loop You’ll be ready for steep paths up and over the hills as you head down the Long Creek Trail to the falls and over to the Coy Bald Trailhead There are few different trail combinations to choose from for the route back—Upper Pilot Trail is a solid option Just be sure to take a map, because finding and staying on the trails here requires a little work —Ryan Van Bibber, senior editor Montana
( Ken Lund / Creative Commons ) Dawson-Pitamakan Loop As great as Montana is, Glacier National Park takes it to a whole different level One of the very best hikes in the park is the 17-mile Dawson-Pitamakan loop, which circles Rising Wolf Mountain
( Justin Meissen / Creative Commons ) The Backbone Trail It’s hard to get high in Louisiana, where the mean elevation is just 100 feet and New Orleans actually sits below sea level But the Backbone Trail though the Kisatchie Hills Wilderness offers escape from the swamp This 77-mile path scales sandstone hills topped with Dr Suessian longleaf pines Savor on-high views from 300-foot outcrops and, in spring, blooming azaleas Keep an eye out for armadillos —KB Maine
( John Hayes / Creative Commons ) 100 Mile Wilderness Even out west, you’d be hard-pressed to find 100 miles of trail that’s uninterrupted by towns and other human-built intrusions, but the Pine Tree State preserves exactly that: The famed 100-Mile Wilderness section of Maine’s Appalachian Trail plumbs fir forests so dark and dense, they unnerved even Henry David Thoreau
(who documented his chilling explorations in The Maine Woods ) Starting at the tiny outpost of Monson (home to Shaw’s Hiker Hostel ), pilgrims trip across rooty paths, ford swampy ponds where moose chill out, peer into the grey slate maw of Gulf Hagas (the “Grand Canyon of Maine”), and end up at Abol Bridge, the Baxter State Park campground and resupply opportunity before the final push up 5,269-foot Mount Katahdin —KB Maryland (Patorjk/Wikimedia Commons) Annapolis Rocks to Black Rock Cliff Hop on the Appalachian Trail at South Mountain State Park and hike about 25 miles to Annapolis Rocks for sweeping views of northwest Maryland Continue on to an even more scenic lookout spot called Black Rock Cliff About 75 miles round-trip —Svati Kirsten Narula, associate social media editor Massachusetts
(Tom Walsh/Wikimedia Commons) Bash Bish Falls At the western edge of Massachusetts lies Bash Bish Falls State Park , home to a probably haunted 80-foot waterfall, the highest in the state Easy hiking and good summer swimming abound, but take care: 25 people have died after slipping from the top of the falls —Madeleine LaPlante-Dube, digital media producer Michigan (NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory/Wikimedia Commons) Pyramid Point Part of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, this easy family-friendly hike goes to the top of a sand bluff and offers great views of Lake Michigan Continue to the right after the scenic lookout to follow smaller trails that wind through beech and maple trees and lead to more secluded sand dunes —KL Minnesota
( Greg Gjerdingen / Creative Commons ) Border Route Trail The 65-mile Border Route Trail follows (surprise) the border between the United States and Canada and allows you to experience the tranquility of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness on foot It’s a place of breathtaking cliffs, almost impassably dense trees, and serene, untouched lakes where you can feel the elves and faeries watching you through the mossy gaps in the trees —
Emily Reed, assistant editor Mississippi (Courtesy Black Creek Canoe Rental) Black Creek Trail Soft white beaches and sandbars make Black Creek, a designated National Wild and Scenic River, feel more like the Caribbean than Mississippi The Black Creek Trail links those paradisial swimming holes with 41 miles of waterside hiking Ten miles of the trail traverse the Black Creek Wilderness and feature pine-topped bluffs and dogwood trees that glow with white petals in spring —KB Missouri
(Semipaw/Wikimedia Commons) Hercules Glades Wilderness Area Nearly 40 miles of trails cut across rocky, steep terrain that offers a mix of grass-covered hillsides and hardwood forests teeming with wildlife Park at the Tower Trailhead—the fire tower on the east side of the wilderness area From there, warm up on the relatively flat Pees Hollow loop You’ll be ready for steep paths up and over the hills as you head down the Long Creek Trail to the falls and over to the Coy Bald Trailhead There are few different trail combinations to choose from for the route back—Upper Pilot Trail is a solid option Just be sure to take a map, because finding and staying on the trails here requires a little work —Ryan Van Bibber, senior editor Montana
( Ken Lund / Creative Commons ) Dawson-Pitamakan Loop As great as Montana is, Glacier National Park takes it to a whole different level One of the very best hikes in the park is the 17-mile Dawson-Pitamakan loop, which circles Rising Wolf Mountain
Alpine lakes and jagged peaks make this truly one of the last best places.
—KB Nebraska (pirndom/Pixabay) Saddle Rock Trail Hills in corn land? You’ll find them on the 16-mile (one way) Saddle Rock Trail , which gains a lung-wringing 500 vertical feet on its climb up a chiseled butte in Scotts Bluff National Monument The route tunnels through a sandstone fin before emerging atop a wind-raked crag with views over rolling prairie peppered with more buttes —KB Nevada
(Wikimedia Commons) The Tahoe Rim Trail The 165-mile Tahoe Rim Trail is one of the most beautiful circuits you’ll ever do “The scenery changes around every corner—from towering granite walls to lupine-covered hills—and because it’s circular, you can always see where you’ve been and what’s to come,” says Nancy Greenhalgh, former president of the Tahoe Rim Trail Association The difficult 21-mile section from Mount Rose to Brockway is like a highlight reel of the trail The views of Tahoe from the narrow trail (and on a steep side hill, to boot) are incredible If you do it in summer, the aroma of pine and sap warming in the high-alpine sunshine just enhance your hike
(Wikimedia Commons) The Tahoe Rim Trail The 165-mile Tahoe Rim Trail is one of the most beautiful circuits you’ll ever do “The scenery changes around every corner—from towering granite walls to lupine-covered hills—and because it’s circular, you can always see where you’ve been and what’s to come,” says Nancy Greenhalgh, former president of the Tahoe Rim Trail Association The difficult 21-mile section from Mount Rose to Brockway is like a highlight reel of the trail The views of Tahoe from the narrow trail (and on a steep side hill, to boot) are incredible If you do it in summer, the aroma of pine and sap warming in the high-alpine sunshine just enhance your hike
—Tasha Zemke, copy editor New Hampshire
(Canderson7/Wikimidia Commons) Crawford Path, White Mountains Most people summit Mount Washington by heading straight up Tuckerman’s Ravine, which means the trail is like a highway in summer.
(Canderson7/Wikimidia Commons) Crawford Path, White Mountains Most people summit Mount Washington by heading straight up Tuckerman’s Ravine, which means the trail is like a highway in summer.
Avoid the crowds by taking the Crawford Path , which starts in Crawford Notch and spends five of the eight total miles on a ridge above tree line You’ll pass two alpine huts, operated by the Appalachian Mountain Club, where you can refill your water bottles and stop to rest —Ben Fox, associate reviews editor New Jersey
(Famartin/Wikimedia Commons) Sunfish Pond Wear sturdy-soled boots on the rock-studded route to Sunfish Pond, a glacial lake perched at 1,379 feet in the Garden State’s swatch of the Appalachians The eight-mile round-trip trek on the AT and green-blazed Dunnfield Creek trails plumbs pristine forest made musical by little waterfalls along Dunnfield Creek, which hikers follow for part of the route At the crystalline spring-fed lake, lounge on rock slabs surrounded by the Appalachians’ time-softened summits —KB New Mexico
(Preschooleratheart/Wikimedia Commons) Anatoli Route Russian mountaineer Anatoli Boukreev used to live in Santa Fe To train, he’d summit the 12,631-foot Santa Fe Baldy , then traverse over to Deception, Lake, and Penitente peaks before descending the ski area The whole loop is around 16 miles Hike it in fall, when the aspens are changing —Mary Turner, deputy editor New York
( Jeff Robinson / Creative Commons ) Hurricane Mountain Climb Hurricane Mountain in the Adirondacks in fall for spectacular colors and crisp weather The sixish-mile trail tops out on a smooth summit with a fire tower and expansive views —Abbie Barronian, assistant editor North Carolina
( anoldent / Creative Commons ) Carvers Gap to 19E One of the finest sections of the entire Appalachian Trail, the section from Carvers Gap to 19E runs north for 13 miles, meandering above and below tree line Wild ponies, 360-degree views, and a small taste of trail magic make shuttling a car worth it —Elizabeth Hightower, features editor North Dakota
(Peter Schultz/Wikimedia Commons) Maah Daah Hey Trail The 144-mile Maah Daah Hey —which roughly translates from the native Mandan language to “an area that will be around for a long time”—traverses the wild and rugged badlands of western North Dakota Keep an eye out for bison, wild horses, and bighorn sheep as you make your way across broad plateaus and prairies —KB Ohio
(Erik Drost/Wikimedia Commons) Virginia Kendall Ledges Scenic overlooks are probably not the first images that pop into your head when you think of Ohio, but the two-mile Ledges Trail in Cuyahoga National Park skirts the tops of sandstone cliffs that tower a couple hundred feet above the Cuyahoga River Go in the evening for spectacular sunsets —ER Oklahoma (Jason Ronza/Wikimedia Commons) Ouachita Trail You’ll need three to four weeks to thru-hike the 192-mile Ouachita Trail , bridging Oklahoma and Arkansas Weekenders can nab the choicest 20-mile segment by starting at Talimena State Park, the trail’s western terminus, and hiking east over steep, rocky terrain that ranks as the trail’s toughest but rewards hikers with expansive views Spur paths to the Potato Hills, Panorama, and Holson Valley vistas overlook mountains that melt into the horizon —KB Oregon
(RickObst/Wikimedia Commons) Trail of Ten Falls Loop This descriptively named 78-mile loop in Silver Falls State Park features, well, ten waterfalls , one of which is 178 feet tall The trail winds through enormous old-growth Douglas fir and hemlock and even dips behind one of falls for a rare through-the-curtain view The hike is lovely year-round, but spring runoff puts the falls at their girthiest —
AB Pennsylvania (Courtesy National Park Service) Tumbling Waters Trail Panoramas across the bucolic Delaware River Valley are reason enough to hike the Tumbling Waters Trail , a three-mile loop in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, but the trail also passes a delightful two-tiered waterfall surrounded by black birches From the Pocono Environmental Education Center, hike clockwise to explore groves of red cedar, glacier-scarred bedrock, IMAX-sized views of New Jersey’s verdant Kittatinny Ridge (a 400-mile arm of the Appalachian Mountains), and wetlands filled with singing frogs —KB Rhode Island ( Dr Mary Gillham Archive Project / Creative Commons ) Long Pond Woods Wildlife Refuge Even if you’re not mad about birds, the Audubon Society’s 220-acre Long Pond Woods Wildlife Refuge dazzles with vistas over hemlock-shrouded Long Pond Warblers and hooded mergansers congregate here because the terrain is too rough for most everybody else
The 22-mile hiking trail is steep and rocky enough to require scrambling in some sections, but from its high points, you overlook Long Pond’s shimmering waters and hardwoods that blaze red and orange come fall —KB South Carolina (Thomas King/Pexel) Foothills Trail Escape low-country heat and humidity on the Foothills Trail , which follows the Middle Fork of the Saluda River on its cascading route out of the Appalachians Arrive early to beat weekend crowds: Rangers at Jones Gap State Park, where the trail originates, block access when the park has reached max capacity, which ensures that the Saluda’s swimming holes stay pristine —KB South Dakota
(Navin75/Wikimedia Commons) Black Elk Peak After more than 150 years as Harney Peak, South Dakota’s 7,242-foot high point was renamed Black Elk Peak in 2016, but its stunning views of granite cliffs and ponderosa pines remain unchanged From Sylvan Lake in the Black Hills’ Custer State Park, hike four miles east on Trail 9S to Black Elk’s granite summit and its medieval-looking stone fire tower Then loop south for four miles on Trails 3 and 4, following the scrambly spur atop Little Devil’s Tower for jaw-dropping views of the knifelike Cathedral Spires —KB Tennessee
(Jason Hollinger/Wikimedia Commons) Alum Cave Trail to Mount LeConte There was no question that Great Smoky Mountains National Park would be home to Tennessee’s best hike, but with more than 850 miles of footpaths in the park that lead to waterfalls, mountaintops, trout-filled streams, historic cabins, overlooks, and wildflower meadows, exactly which trail deserved top honors was a harder decision The 11-mile round-trip Alum Cave Trail is as good a pick as any It leads you through old-growth hardwood forest, on log bridges over gushing mountain streams, and up stairways cut into the living rock to the massive rock overhangs for which the trail is named Continue past the caves and be rewarded with one of the best views in the park from atop the 6,594-foot Mount LeConte and a stay at the rustic LeConte Lodge, the highest guesthouse in the eastern United States —NH Texas (Leaflet/Wikimedia Commons) McKittrick Ridge In any season, McKittrick Ridge , in Guadalupe Mountains National Park, dazzles hikers with its vast panoramas of limestone peaks and feathery pines But in October, the views pulsate red and gold as McKittrick Canyon’s maple, walnut, and ash trees ignite with fall color From Dog Canyon, on the park’s north side, hike 75 miles east to the ridge Camp at 7,700 feet for sunset and sunrise views over the ribbon of amber —KB.
(Famartin/Wikimedia Commons) Sunfish Pond Wear sturdy-soled boots on the rock-studded route to Sunfish Pond, a glacial lake perched at 1,379 feet in the Garden State’s swatch of the Appalachians The eight-mile round-trip trek on the AT and green-blazed Dunnfield Creek trails plumbs pristine forest made musical by little waterfalls along Dunnfield Creek, which hikers follow for part of the route At the crystalline spring-fed lake, lounge on rock slabs surrounded by the Appalachians’ time-softened summits —KB New Mexico
(Preschooleratheart/Wikimedia Commons) Anatoli Route Russian mountaineer Anatoli Boukreev used to live in Santa Fe To train, he’d summit the 12,631-foot Santa Fe Baldy , then traverse over to Deception, Lake, and Penitente peaks before descending the ski area The whole loop is around 16 miles Hike it in fall, when the aspens are changing —Mary Turner, deputy editor New York
( Jeff Robinson / Creative Commons ) Hurricane Mountain Climb Hurricane Mountain in the Adirondacks in fall for spectacular colors and crisp weather The sixish-mile trail tops out on a smooth summit with a fire tower and expansive views —Abbie Barronian, assistant editor North Carolina
( anoldent / Creative Commons ) Carvers Gap to 19E One of the finest sections of the entire Appalachian Trail, the section from Carvers Gap to 19E runs north for 13 miles, meandering above and below tree line Wild ponies, 360-degree views, and a small taste of trail magic make shuttling a car worth it —Elizabeth Hightower, features editor North Dakota
(Peter Schultz/Wikimedia Commons) Maah Daah Hey Trail The 144-mile Maah Daah Hey —which roughly translates from the native Mandan language to “an area that will be around for a long time”—traverses the wild and rugged badlands of western North Dakota Keep an eye out for bison, wild horses, and bighorn sheep as you make your way across broad plateaus and prairies —KB Ohio
(Erik Drost/Wikimedia Commons) Virginia Kendall Ledges Scenic overlooks are probably not the first images that pop into your head when you think of Ohio, but the two-mile Ledges Trail in Cuyahoga National Park skirts the tops of sandstone cliffs that tower a couple hundred feet above the Cuyahoga River Go in the evening for spectacular sunsets —ER Oklahoma (Jason Ronza/Wikimedia Commons) Ouachita Trail You’ll need three to four weeks to thru-hike the 192-mile Ouachita Trail , bridging Oklahoma and Arkansas Weekenders can nab the choicest 20-mile segment by starting at Talimena State Park, the trail’s western terminus, and hiking east over steep, rocky terrain that ranks as the trail’s toughest but rewards hikers with expansive views Spur paths to the Potato Hills, Panorama, and Holson Valley vistas overlook mountains that melt into the horizon —KB Oregon
(RickObst/Wikimedia Commons) Trail of Ten Falls Loop This descriptively named 78-mile loop in Silver Falls State Park features, well, ten waterfalls , one of which is 178 feet tall The trail winds through enormous old-growth Douglas fir and hemlock and even dips behind one of falls for a rare through-the-curtain view The hike is lovely year-round, but spring runoff puts the falls at their girthiest —
AB Pennsylvania (Courtesy National Park Service) Tumbling Waters Trail Panoramas across the bucolic Delaware River Valley are reason enough to hike the Tumbling Waters Trail , a three-mile loop in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, but the trail also passes a delightful two-tiered waterfall surrounded by black birches From the Pocono Environmental Education Center, hike clockwise to explore groves of red cedar, glacier-scarred bedrock, IMAX-sized views of New Jersey’s verdant Kittatinny Ridge (a 400-mile arm of the Appalachian Mountains), and wetlands filled with singing frogs —KB Rhode Island ( Dr Mary Gillham Archive Project / Creative Commons ) Long Pond Woods Wildlife Refuge Even if you’re not mad about birds, the Audubon Society’s 220-acre Long Pond Woods Wildlife Refuge dazzles with vistas over hemlock-shrouded Long Pond Warblers and hooded mergansers congregate here because the terrain is too rough for most everybody else
The 22-mile hiking trail is steep and rocky enough to require scrambling in some sections, but from its high points, you overlook Long Pond’s shimmering waters and hardwoods that blaze red and orange come fall —KB South Carolina (Thomas King/Pexel) Foothills Trail Escape low-country heat and humidity on the Foothills Trail , which follows the Middle Fork of the Saluda River on its cascading route out of the Appalachians Arrive early to beat weekend crowds: Rangers at Jones Gap State Park, where the trail originates, block access when the park has reached max capacity, which ensures that the Saluda’s swimming holes stay pristine —KB South Dakota
(Navin75/Wikimedia Commons) Black Elk Peak After more than 150 years as Harney Peak, South Dakota’s 7,242-foot high point was renamed Black Elk Peak in 2016, but its stunning views of granite cliffs and ponderosa pines remain unchanged From Sylvan Lake in the Black Hills’ Custer State Park, hike four miles east on Trail 9S to Black Elk’s granite summit and its medieval-looking stone fire tower Then loop south for four miles on Trails 3 and 4, following the scrambly spur atop Little Devil’s Tower for jaw-dropping views of the knifelike Cathedral Spires —KB Tennessee
(Jason Hollinger/Wikimedia Commons) Alum Cave Trail to Mount LeConte There was no question that Great Smoky Mountains National Park would be home to Tennessee’s best hike, but with more than 850 miles of footpaths in the park that lead to waterfalls, mountaintops, trout-filled streams, historic cabins, overlooks, and wildflower meadows, exactly which trail deserved top honors was a harder decision The 11-mile round-trip Alum Cave Trail is as good a pick as any It leads you through old-growth hardwood forest, on log bridges over gushing mountain streams, and up stairways cut into the living rock to the massive rock overhangs for which the trail is named Continue past the caves and be rewarded with one of the best views in the park from atop the 6,594-foot Mount LeConte and a stay at the rustic LeConte Lodge, the highest guesthouse in the eastern United States —NH Texas (Leaflet/Wikimedia Commons) McKittrick Ridge In any season, McKittrick Ridge , in Guadalupe Mountains National Park, dazzles hikers with its vast panoramas of limestone peaks and feathery pines But in October, the views pulsate red and gold as McKittrick Canyon’s maple, walnut, and ash trees ignite with fall color From Dog Canyon, on the park’s north side, hike 75 miles east to the ridge Camp at 7,700 feet for sunset and sunrise views over the ribbon of amber —KB.
Utah (Dereck Bradley/Wikimedia Commons) Wire Pass–Buckskin Gulch Trail The likelihood is slim of ever getting a lottery permit to hike the super-popular Wave, and Antelope Canyon is expensive For something that rewards with both slot canyon scenery and red serrated sandstone formations, the Wire Pass–Buckskin Gulch Trail , in south-central Utah, is ideal, especially for novice hikers or those with kids You can opt for the 34-mile Wire Pass round-trip hike, or enter Wire Pass and extend your trip along Buckskin until you’re ready to turn around —TZ Vermont
(R Sharp/Wikimedia Commons) Camel’s Hump Most people who want to knock off one big hike in the Green Mountains tend to head for the summit of Mount Mansfield, the tallest peak in Vermont But for fewer crowds and equally stunning views, hike to the top of Camel’s Hump At about six miles long, this out-and-back trail climbs over 2,000 feet and past the wreckage of a plane crash before you hit the summit It’s a great day hike that usually takes a few hours to complete —AG Virginia (Ed Brown/Wikimedia Commons) Three Ridges Hike This classic 14-miler takes you through the scenic vistas of the George Washington and Jefferson National Forest along the Appalachian Trail Plentiful shelters along the loop make this circuit perfect for an overnight backpacking trip for hikers of all levels —Jeremy Rellosa, assistant editor Washington
(Jeffhollett/Wikimedia Commons) Yellow Aster Butte Unlike Mount Baker or Shuksan, this northern 75-mile round-trip hike requires no mountaineering equipment or experience—though it does offer a great view of both peaks You’ll gain 2,500 feet as you traverse south-facing slopes before you top out at 6,150 feet Turn around for a view into Canada —Ruben Kimmleman, editorial fellow West Virginia
(Aneta Kaluzna/Wikimedia Commons) Spruce Knob/Seneca Creek This 165-mile circuit offers pockets of deciduous and Pacific Northwest–like evergreen canopies, secluded waterfalls, meadows, and panoramic views of West Virginia’s Monongahela National Forest You can rest at Judy Springs, one of the most scenic campsites in the region For the cherry on top, go in mid-October, when the air is crisp and the leaves are at peak color —JR Wisconsin
(Yinan Chen/Wikimedia Commons) Devil’s Lake Loop It’s not the length that makes this quick five-mile loop the best in the Badger State, but the views, which range from waterside— looking over Devil’s Lake —to the thick forest of the East Bluff Woods On the lake’s northwest side sit 100-foot quartzite cliffs that are popular with climbers Devil’s Lake State Park, the third oldest in Wisconsin, is home to 100 bird species and 800 types of plants An elevation gain of 1,000 feet—a lot of vert for the rolling hills of Wisconsin—is enough to earn a plate of sliders and a flight of whiskey at Driftless Glen Distillery , three miles from the trailhead —Abigail Wise, online managing editor Wyoming
( Brendan Bombaci / Creative Commons ) The Cirque of the Towers Trail The granite spires that make up the Cirque of the Towers, in the heart of Wyoming’s Wind River range, contain some of the finest rock climbing in the country But the range is also a hiker’s dream: lake, rivers, fishing, views, wildflowers, you name it The 18-mile out and back Cirque of the Towers Trail gets you right into the business And don’t forget to stock up at the Great Outdoor Shop in nearby Pinedale before launching off into the backcountry —KB Corrections: (Apr 15, 2019) A previous version of this story misstated the capital of Louisiana It is Baton Rouge, not New Orleans (Apr 18, 2019) A previous version of this story misstated that Devil’s Lake State Park is the oldest in the state It is the third oldest.
Hiking Camping Equipment Hiking Camping Gear
(R Sharp/Wikimedia Commons) Camel’s Hump Most people who want to knock off one big hike in the Green Mountains tend to head for the summit of Mount Mansfield, the tallest peak in Vermont But for fewer crowds and equally stunning views, hike to the top of Camel’s Hump At about six miles long, this out-and-back trail climbs over 2,000 feet and past the wreckage of a plane crash before you hit the summit It’s a great day hike that usually takes a few hours to complete —AG Virginia (Ed Brown/Wikimedia Commons) Three Ridges Hike This classic 14-miler takes you through the scenic vistas of the George Washington and Jefferson National Forest along the Appalachian Trail Plentiful shelters along the loop make this circuit perfect for an overnight backpacking trip for hikers of all levels —Jeremy Rellosa, assistant editor Washington
(Jeffhollett/Wikimedia Commons) Yellow Aster Butte Unlike Mount Baker or Shuksan, this northern 75-mile round-trip hike requires no mountaineering equipment or experience—though it does offer a great view of both peaks You’ll gain 2,500 feet as you traverse south-facing slopes before you top out at 6,150 feet Turn around for a view into Canada —Ruben Kimmleman, editorial fellow West Virginia
(Aneta Kaluzna/Wikimedia Commons) Spruce Knob/Seneca Creek This 165-mile circuit offers pockets of deciduous and Pacific Northwest–like evergreen canopies, secluded waterfalls, meadows, and panoramic views of West Virginia’s Monongahela National Forest You can rest at Judy Springs, one of the most scenic campsites in the region For the cherry on top, go in mid-October, when the air is crisp and the leaves are at peak color —JR Wisconsin
(Yinan Chen/Wikimedia Commons) Devil’s Lake Loop It’s not the length that makes this quick five-mile loop the best in the Badger State, but the views, which range from waterside— looking over Devil’s Lake —to the thick forest of the East Bluff Woods On the lake’s northwest side sit 100-foot quartzite cliffs that are popular with climbers Devil’s Lake State Park, the third oldest in Wisconsin, is home to 100 bird species and 800 types of plants An elevation gain of 1,000 feet—a lot of vert for the rolling hills of Wisconsin—is enough to earn a plate of sliders and a flight of whiskey at Driftless Glen Distillery , three miles from the trailhead —Abigail Wise, online managing editor Wyoming
( Brendan Bombaci / Creative Commons ) The Cirque of the Towers Trail The granite spires that make up the Cirque of the Towers, in the heart of Wyoming’s Wind River range, contain some of the finest rock climbing in the country But the range is also a hiker’s dream: lake, rivers, fishing, views, wildflowers, you name it The 18-mile out and back Cirque of the Towers Trail gets you right into the business And don’t forget to stock up at the Great Outdoor Shop in nearby Pinedale before launching off into the backcountry —KB Corrections: (Apr 15, 2019) A previous version of this story misstated the capital of Louisiana It is Baton Rouge, not New Orleans (Apr 18, 2019) A previous version of this story misstated that Devil’s Lake State Park is the oldest in the state It is the third oldest.
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Saturday, July 10, 2021
Family Camping Tents
Watch as my family sets up the family camping tent
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