Sunday, October 02, 2005

Outdoor Adventure Training Courses - Unexplained Mysteries"Robin's Adventures In Camping Equipment"

Adventures Into The Unknown Unique Training Courses for Explorers, Treasure Hunters & Prospectors

Do you like adventure and the unknown. Then you'll really enjoy what Stan Grist has to offer.

Here's an awesome course for any one that loves adventure and the great outdoors. His name is all over the web for what he does best. If you love this stuff, you're definately going to love his courses. Heres his introduction to his website.

Hi there, my name is Stan Grist. Welcome to, my web site of Adventures Into The Unknown! I look forward to sharing my life's adventures with you which include the pursuit of gold, raw diamonds, lost cities, buried treasure, ancient tunnels, sunken galleons, meteors, unexplained mysteries, unknown animals (cryptozoology).

Sports & Outdoors Its just a matter of time!

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Good Night Camping Equipment For all your camping info!

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