Here are a few hints when choosing the tent just right for you or your family.
Tents that are advertised as one person are rarely big enough for one person.
Two person tents are usually comfortable for just one person, a three person tent is comfortable for two people and so on.
If you do not pick something large enough, you will find yourself cramped , claustrophobic and uncomfortable.
Pick something that will give you a little room to move and some space for some of your gear as well.
Pick something that will give you a little room to move and some space for some of your gear as well.
Each person needs about 3 by 7 feet to stretch out. You will need extra room to dress etc.
Remember, if the weather is not good, you will be stuck in whatever you have picked..
You don't want to be sitting cramped and hunched over feeling miserable.
In deciding on what you need, decide whether you will be summer or winter camping, and whether you will be backpacking .
Tents are not waterproof. They are made of breathable ripstop nylon. It allows your sweat and breath to evaporate.
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