Do you enjoy camping? Do you like the outdoors? Is there
anything about the outdoors you want to talk about?
I have a question for you. What do you like about my blog?
What don't you like? I'll do my best to improve it.
If you are enjoying the articles I've been posting. Let me know
with a friendly post. If you have anything on your mind you would
like to find info on post it.
Its been raining pretty hard over night remnants of hurricane Frances.
Anyone have a story to share about the storm. Post it.
Hows everyone out there in blog land? Its been a good Labor
Day so far. Went to a church picnic had lots to eat. The weather
is hot and sunny. A perfect day. Anything outdoorsy on you mind?
I was going to go do some fishing. Too tired, rather just relax
and talk to you. While your here check out all the articles, you
may find something you like. If you want to know about something
on the outdoors just blog away.
If you have any camping questions that you need answers to,
ad it in the comments. In the meantime I'll keep posting things
I find with camping that may interest you.
If you have a good camping tip you would like to share or a camping
recipe, just ad it to the Blog.
Do you have any stories about camping this summer you'd like to share?
My son Andrew is on a canoe trip right now on the Saugeen River 3 days.
The church youth group he with had 6 youth and a couple of leaders. They
will be returning today. The weather has been very cool and wet here in Southern
Ontario all summer. Not great for camping. I'll post later about how my son's trip was.
Here's where you can find more info on the route:
My son and his youth group made it home from their canoe trip. They had a good time,
lots of paddling good weather, lots to eat {of course} they talked to a fella that caught a
blue bull frog. He even showed the boys pictures. My son was also telling me about a
fly away tent he saw last week, when he was camping last week with his scout troup.
Hows everyone today? Not getting many replies, thats ok. Any issues you would like to
talk about just post it. Its going to be a warm day for once Aug 23, and of course rain as well. Not much fun for camping. Do you have some ideas about making the most
of a wet situation. Post it!
Do you have any campgrounds that allow dogs on the trails and what rules they have.
Post it!
Do you have a campground review you would like to share? Post it!
Does anyone enjoy fishing? If you do you could mention a campground
that offers good fishing.
Hows the camping in your neck of the woods? Post it.
Its the long weekend and are you planning on doing some camping? Post it.
If you have any questions about anything to do with camping and hiking leave a
Is there anything you would like me to write about or talk about. Post it.
My name is Robin and I live in Canada, I have a website where you can
find more info about me:
Subscribe to my blog feed through My Yahoo!:
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Good Night Camping Equipment For all your camping info!
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